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At 赌钱app可以微信提现, 我们的学术英语(EAP)项目在这里帮助非母语人士了解他们的课程,并为参加英语课程的国际学生提供支持.

EAP Back to School Night
学术英语返校之夜. Plan for success in Fall 2024! Tue. Sep. 10 | 6-7 p.m. | CoLab (OCB 100)不需要回复.

Tue. Sep. 10 | 6-7 p.m. | CoLab (OCB 100)

Plan for success in Fall 2024! EAP(学术英语)将于周二举办返校信息晚会, Sep. 10, from 6-7 p.m. in the CoLab. New and returning students are welcome!

Find out about helpful resources at 赌钱app可以微信提现:

  • Academic Achievement Center
  • Academic Advising & Counseling
  • Career Development Center
  • Financial Aid
  • Student Basic Needs Center
  • Writing Center

No RSVP needed. Refreshments provided.


赌钱app可以微信提现的学术英语课程是为非母语人士设计的,他们希望为学术准备和大学水平的学习提高英语技能. 赌钱app可以微信提现 EAP课程的学生将学习英语技能,包括:

  • Writing and Grammar
  • Speaking and Listening
  • Reading and Vocabulary


EAP课程让学生有时间专注于发展英语语言能力, 以及批判性思维和研究技能. 学习这些沟通技巧将帮助学生在大学和以后的学术和社会交往中做好准备.


  1. Apply to 赌钱app可以微信提现.
  2. Complete the Accuplacer-ESL assessment at Testing Services, or submit test scores for:
  • ACT
  1. Meet with a Success Center counselor to discuss your academic plan.
  2. Enroll in up to nine hours of EAP courses.

F-1 Visa holders: ESL衔接课程是根据您的个人语言需求量身定制的:

Pathway 3 (2 semesters)
TOEFL iBT: 57-60
Accuplacer: 89-101

Pathway 4 (1 semester)
TOEFL iBT: 61-64
IELTS: 5.5
Accuplacer: 102-114

For more information regarding the ESL Pathway Program, please contact 赌钱app可以微信提现’s 国际和移民学生服务 (IISS) office at 913-469-7680 or


EAP 061 English Grammar Review
复习词性、句子成分和句型. Develop writing fluency.

EAP 062 Sentence and Punctuation Skills
组成和组合从句,形成清晰、有效和正确的句子. Improve punctuation use.

EAP 063 Composing Skills 
选择一个主题,组织短文. Learn revision and editing strategies.

EAP 064 Revision and Proofreading Skills
运用修改和编辑技巧,写出正确的散文. 纠正典型的语法、机械和用法错误.

EAP 065 Writing for Research
培养学术论文的研究技能. 练习写作和整合引文、摘要和释义.

Note: 这些课程不符合学位要求,但会帮助你很好地掌握英语语言.

Special Focus Classes

Fall 2024

Course title

EAP # and Section



Special Focus

Writing & Grammar 3

EAP 096
Sec. 001


Perrin Blackman

Visual Composition/Art Focus

Speaking & Listening 4

EAP 087
Sec. 005
EAP 087
Sec. 007



Holly Milkowart

Service Learning

 EAP 096:写作3 -视觉构图/艺术焦点
Taught by Perrin Blackman

这部分的学生将有机会专注于艺术表达,探索语法和学术写作的基本组成结构. The course will utilize graphic organizers, images of famous artwork, 和个人大学日记,以提高学生的理解, organizational skills, and creativity. 课程目标和能力将与其他EAP写作相同 & Grammar Level III courses.

For further information, contact Prof. Blackman at    

EAP 087: Speaking 4 – Service Learning 
Taught by Holly Milkowart
There are two in-person sections

这部分的学生将有机会参与一个服务学习项目,重点是提高语言和沟通能力.  学生将在社区中工作,并通过行动过程对工作进行批判性反思, communication, practice, commitment, and narration.  本部分的课程目标和能力与其他EAP口语课程相同 & Listening Level IV courses. 

For further information, contact Prof. Milkowart,

Why 赌钱app可以微信提现?

赌钱app可以微信提现的EAP课程分为秋季和春季两学期, as well as during summer sessions. 课程在白天提供,整个晚上,或在线. 灵活选择您的课程形式和上课时间, 您可以根据您的个人需要制定您的学习计划.

At 赌钱app可以微信提现, you’ll also benefit from:

  • Experienced, award-winning faculty
  • Personalized attention in small classes
  • A helpful community environment
  • 低学费和负担得起的付款计划选择
Join other successful 赌钱app可以微信提现 students Apply now

你可能担心上大学的费用,但你并不是唯一一个有这种焦虑的人. 许多学生想知道他们在哪里可以找到经济援助来帮助他们完成学业. 在赌钱app可以微信提现,我们一直在努力使我们每个学期的学费负担得起.

At 赌钱app可以微信提现, we offer:

有些课程可能需要额外的教学用品和课本费用. 这些费用将根据你的课程而有所不同.

在为大学做预算时,有几件事需要考虑. Visit our Cost of Attendance page for detailed information.

Resources at 赌钱app可以微信提现

We also offer academic resources at 赌钱app可以微信提现. 如果你需要的话,我们学校允许你利用许多不同的工具和服务. Our personalized learning strategy, smaller classes sizes, 专业的辅导服务都在这里帮助你. Other resources we offer include:

  • Our Financial Aid 办公室可以帮助你找到学生贷款和奖学金的机会. 和我们的财务援助顾问谈谈,了解如何减少每学期的学费.
  • The Career Development Center 服务可以指导你毕业后想做什么. 
  • Academic Counseling 能帮助你坚持你的学术道路,找到一个适合你兴趣的职业吗. 
  • Our transfer process is easy and stress-free. 如果你想在别处继续深造, 我们可以帮你把学分转到另一所学校.